
Welcome to my blog!!  I'll be updating everyone on the progress of my journey building this site and finishing up the PDF rules for the game as well and painting my miniatures and building my own terrain and anything that pertains to this game.  I'm excited for you all to join me on this exciting hobby adventure!


Thursday, October 6, 2022

Well it is 1:50 AM and I have just finished  setting up the basic look of the website.  I've got most of the different header links to the different pages all put up.  Depending on if If i can get a new webcam or not well dictate if I will start recording some painting videos or terrain crafting videos.  I will have to get one regardless to take some pictures of the minis and buildings I'm going to paint and craft.


I'm pretty much done the Player's hand book.  I just took some drawing I found off of google to use in the book.  Eventually I will swap them out for some of my own doodles which will look like chicken scratches or maybe my friend's artwork... she said last night she would enjoy making artwork for the book... so only time will tell if she finds the time to do that haha.  


Currently I have six of the human survivors fully painted and clear coated.  I also painted three of the zombie bosses done to that point as well.  I currently  have 75 models in various levels of painting hah!!  What did I get myself into?!?!?!


As for terrain.... well.....  my prototype city was a good starting point to get me into  the world of crafting.  Those Papercraft buildings were a great practice run to develope and plan how im going to build said city.   I would use those building but the down side is that i want to be able to have my models and players be able to adventure into said buildings.  So.... They need to have a larger footprint in order to accomodate that plan. 


Well I'm happy with the website so far and the progress I've made with the game so far.   Fingers crossed I will have the game finished by Halloween and shared in the Guild's facebook page then.  And by game I mean the Player's, Zombie Master's hand books and the finalized character's sheets.


Well its now 2:15 AM.... geeze it took me almost half an hour to write this... Im going to bed.

Thursday, Oct. 6, 2022

Good afternoon.  Just found some old pictures of the first buildings I made for the game last winter, before I decided to actually make this game when I was looking for a good zombie apocalypse rpg,  as well as some pictures of the first ever miniatures I painted which got me addicted to the hobby!!   The buildings will pretty much be basically the same thing in concept but the footprint of them will be bigger and they will be made a bit differently for better modularity and game play.  These were also made for 28mm gaming and my new miniatures I have are like 20mm in height, so these just wont work because they look way too big.   They also show the street terrain I made.  The new ones will be pretty much the same only better!

Sorry for the ugly quality of the pictures.  It wasn't my fault... it was the potato I used to take them!!  Nah,  my camera's lens was scratched beyond belief.  Which reminds me, I have to order that Webcam today!!

Here are some miniatures from the Fallout: Wasteland Warefare game.  Directly below are the first two miniatures I ever painted!!! 

Currently just putting up some links to some terrain and paper miniatures.  After that I will be emailing some of my favorite Youtubers and see If I can post links to their pages and channels.  Better to ask and recieve than to do and beg for forgiveness :P !!!


Friday, October 7, 2022

Well it's day 3 of making this website.  I'm trying to get this done up to the point it is a useful site until the Game PDF's are finished and uploaded.

The google search images I used for the handbooks arent sitting well with me... neither are the stock images in this website builder haha.   I kind of want to do a deep dive into the public domain comic book archives and see if I can't find some old zombie comics to pull images from,  just like whats in that Six-Shooters & Wagons game pdf that is the basis of this game.  It would be nice to pay homage to that game by doing that.   Unless people think that it is too much of a rip off to just switch out western comic images for zombie images haha I don't know... write a comment and let me know... I wonder if that comment section even works properly?   Guess i will just have to wait and see when someone decides to leave one.

I've put up so many links and information on here, last night my mind literally shut off and I went blank and just stared at my monitor for five minutes hahha.  When I snapped back into reality I looked at the clock and it said 3 am lol.   Time for bed.   Woke up this morning and back at it.   Put up some more info on the TTRPG page, added a couple more links in the Youtube page.  

It's weird.  I have a feeling most people who visit this site will already be old time gamers and hobbyists but yet I feel like I should make this site as if it is everyone's first time looking up an RPG or miniature painting or terrain crafting.

Well I am all done eating my Mac & Cheese.  I think its time for a short break from working on this site and do something else...for a few minutes lmao.

Saturday,  October 8, 2022

Well I haven't really added much to the site since yesterday morning.  Showed a couple people the site, they liked it so far... minus the not having a game to download... yet..... HAHA!!  But that will be posted up much sooner than even I thought....


But.... i took some pics of the city table and of the few of the models I painted... but the quality of the webcam is so bad... but I dont care.  I want to post the pictures anyway.  too darn excited!!  But, it did make me buy a new webcam.  So thats a plus.  and it made me realize that i should make a photo booth so I can better pictures of my models and be able to control the lighting....


So, with out further procrastinating... the crappy pictures!!!! I'll take better ones when the new cam arrives.

I really like how the tile system works.  Thanks Gaminggeek!!!  Now that I know how to make them, I have a plan to upgrade them..... sounds like a future video or picture tutorial... depends on how good the new  webcam is or if I can find that digital camera.  The buildings are just simple papercraft I got from a couple sites that are posted on here under the Terrain page.

...... I hate this webcam lmao soooo bad.  but i finally get to show off my DIY wall of shame lol     But it can hold 60 miniatures at a time so Im not complaining.  It does the job.  Makes not wasting paint on the wet pallet a god send.  ...... Yes..... those are laundry detergent lids im using as miniature handles.

Just some mutants from War of Cthulu or Call of Cthulu... I don't know... ebay finds... great for Resident Evil type zombie boss Mutants.

Some of the Suvivor miniatures I painted and clear coated....  too bad the quality of the pictures werent clear coated as well BA DUM TSSSSSS!!!! HAH

When the new cam comes in I'll play around and figure out how to take some better quality pictures that are more clear.   Just happy to be able to put some pictures up on Ye ole Blog that are Zombie Related :P


Well that's it for now!!  Thanks for reading!!

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Well not going to lie.  I havent been working on the site at all this week haha!!

I did however get a bunch of stuff done with the Core rule book for the game.   Still working on it, but if I keep at it, it will be done well before Halloween.   I was deflated after not working on it for so long and then opening the word doc and seeing that there was still so much that I hadn't written.   Then I had the brilliant idea to look over my notes on my sheets of loose leaf... BAM!!! 

Most of it was already done!   Just a few more things to do and then it will be ready for typing.   The DM book will be the easiest one to write up so I am not concerned with that.   The basic rules and game mechanics are in the Players book, so that is key to finish.   Also have an Idea for a DM screen that I'll make available in pdf form.   Also working on a list of adventures to start writing on after the game rules are posted up.

Well, just a short blog post today.  Not too exciting to be honest.


Sunday, October 16, 2022

Just a short blog today.

Spent most of yesterday painting some minis.   Got 12 painted, washed, dry brushed, based and lastly clear coated.   They turned out pretty great.  Starting to get pumped about the game more and more!  Well going to either start some more painting or work on the pdf's chat soon!!

Friday, October 28, 2022

Well  it is almost finished.   I just have to come up with a couple more table for items and then spend a couple hours typing everything up this weekend and the Pdf's of the game will be up.   So glad I posted in that FB group that I would share it.  It really got my butt in gear to finish is.


Monday, November 14, 2022

Well.... it's been a while since I've worked on the site.  Ive been fighting what i thought was a crazy cold but now im thinking it was more of a viral infection in my lungs.  But I'm getting better.   I have obviously missed my Halloween deadline BUT on the days I haven't been coughing non-stop or been having agonizing migraines I've been working on the rules.

So far i just have some more items to finish figuring out and then finish the ZM (dungeon master) book.  Then it's just a simple matter of retyping the pdf's and then upload them to the site. 

On the plus side, some more miniatures finally arrived in the mail today HA!!  Just waiting on the one last one I ordered last month which im expecting to receive in a couple days.  Also ordered some more yesterday haha :P  got way too much painting to be doing.   A friend wants to get me a few more I want for christmas... she's totally awesome!

I am hoping to start making some buildings by the end of the month at the very latest.  So excited that this game is finally almost finished!!   Well just popped on for a short little update.


Have a good one!

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Back again.   Well... I meant to keep the game as rules light and printer friendly as I can.  I didn't want a stack of papers to be printed out.  I'm at page 28 typed pages so far.   Granted there's some cover pages and a bunch of pages that are just tables, but still, page 28.  I'm not even done yet!!  Still have to make a ZM guide book.  But at least I am in the zone and gunning to have this finished before Christmas!   If I keep at it over the next couple days it should be finally done... FINALLY!!!  Also  I do have some big plans starting after Christmas.  Just have to get things prepped and set up and ready!  OOOOOH I can't wait!!

Friday, November 25, 2022

Well.... version 1 of the game manual is done.  Even went over the character sheets and updated those a bit.  Just gotta get the ZM guide done and this weekend and ill post it them this weekend.  So glad that part is almost done.   I have a list of ideas for adventure modules already.  Just have to work them into a story narrative.  Also going to make a ZM screen with all the tables on it in PDF form sometime this month.  Well that's it for now!!

Friday, November 25, 2022

Wel.... I started making a Painting tray for my minis and my terrain so I don't get paint all over my desk hah!!!  Can't wait until i get a better quality camera finally HAH

Friday, November 12, 2022

Well... I just posted the link in the Crafter's Guild on FB... Let's see what horrible comments I get !!  ;)  I should have waited until tomorrow afternoon but it's just so exciting!!

Well, it's 3pm in the afternoon now.  Finished and uploaded the ZM guide.  looks like 4 people downloaded it so far.  hopefully they saw my post in the group and read my comment about how I forgot to include a rule in the core rule book and would have to re-download it after i edited it and re-uploaded it! hah ... I'm a dummy.


Well I am glad people can now hopefully play  the game and give me some feedback.  I want to hear all the good and bad.  Going to take a break from writing stuff and In the New Year I'll post some more stuff.  Can't wait to start building terrain... big plans ahead for that!!

It's still Friday, just thought I'd post some better pictures of my minis I have painted so far.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Well almost finished my miniatures painting tray.   Just waiting on getting my Dremel tool so I can cut down the sides more.   I need a new blade for my mini hacksaw.   So now I just have to make the brush racks, Paint rack, and water cup holder.  Getting Excited!!!!!   Also I am currently in the middle of making the intro animation for my YouTube Channel.   Can't wait to get started with making videos in the next coming weeks.  Also downloaded a new template that looks like it has blood spatter on the screen for when I live stream my miniature painting.     And.... seeing these miniatures in this good of quality pictures up close, I can see all the details I missed out on when painting them.   Here's hoping I get a magnifying light for Christmas!!! Fingers Crossed.  Will definitely help out when painting these tiny miniatures.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Well been working on some more stuff for the game.  Modified rules, more items,  a Hostiles Pdf.   Currently trying to figure out this video editor.  Just taking it easy until Christmas.   Just figured I'd throw something up on the blog, its been a couple weeks lol.  Merry Christmas everyone!

Tuesday, January 3, 2023



Well we all got through 2022.  Glad that year has come and gone haha.   Well back to business.    Well I got used to making videos with windows 10 video editor.   Now im at the stage where I need to do better recording.   I think I need to get a better sound editor and a better video editor program.   one where I can control the volumn of sound and music. 


I am putting together a checklist of projects I'm going to be making for my channel.   I wash going to film a building tutorial the other day but then I decided I should reorganize my hobby space and materials and that just snowballed into a bigger early spring clean up haha.   Oh well, it needs to be done.    If I do it now, that means I won't have to worry about it later after in knee deep in making YouTube videos later on.


The plan is to make a video where I build two 2-Storey buildings and then another video where I build 6 3 level apartment buildings.  All the buildings I will be making are going to be playable.  Meaning your miniatures will be able to wonder into them and scavenge and explore.


After those two I am going to make some shorter videos.   These will be stuff like street scatter.   Trash bins, pallets,  street lights, trees, bushes, hedges, chain link fences and garbage bins.   Stuff like that to fill out your table top quickly.    After those I'll be getting back to making the bigger buildings.  I can't wait to get into those!!


As for the game.   I am still working on the updated Hostile's and survival gear pdf's.   I have decided to get rid of all AC rolls for zombie creatures.  Since they can only be killed with a head shot they are already extremely difficult to kill.  So the idea of rolling for a successful hit is kind of redudant.   I will also be including a class of hostiles that has no AC so beginner players can actually defeat some hostiles at the start of the game.   some of the feedback I have been getting is that the zombies are too hard to kill and that when the player is starting out since they dont have a starting gear pack and you only start off with a random object weapon its too difficult.   So this way I'll be able to keep the zombie mechanic as well as making it easier for new players.


The suvival gear pdf will just explain the gear a better as I will be adding in a description section for each item.   I will also be adding in things like grapple hooks and such.   I am also starting on the crafting pdf.   This is a companion booklet to the survival gear pdf but I decided instead of cramming everything in that pdf,  it will work better as a stand alone file.   It will list all the resources available to make gun mods, buildings, holding containers,  item crafting, armor crafting.  


Sunday, June 11, 2023

Well,  it has been along time since I have posted any updates.   Since the last update Things have gotten very hectic in my life.  Thing are finally calming down and now I am back to being able to work on the game and paint and crafting.    I have HUGE plans for updating my game board.   I am currently making several how to make videos for my youtube channel.   I have most of the updated PDF's figured out on loose leaf paper.  Just have to finish them and finalize them and type them up.

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