
Here are a bunch of links to the miniatures I use for the game and some alternatives such as some free paper minis to get you scavenging and fighting in the apocalypse!

If this is your first step into the world of Table Top Gaming and have no clue about what in the world Scale is, click on the button below and let Mel The Terrain Tutor explain it better than I ever could!

The Miniature Gaming Models

Dark Alliance Miniatures

I use the Dark Alliance set of miniatures for Zombie Apocalypse.  They are 20mm (1/72 - HO scale)  Figures  that for their size have a really decent quality detail in their sculpts for their size.   They are made out of a really soft plastic so if you drop them they wont break.   They do have built in bases but I would suggest going onto Amazon or Ebay and buying some small bases to glue them to so they stand alot better.  I recommend using 3/4 -1 inch bingo plastic bingo chips.  You can get them in all sorts of colored or non colored translucent assortments in large quantities for cheap.


The only downside to these, besides the small stature (which I was very quickly able to over look mind you because they can be used in conjunction with another zombie board game's miniatures as well as the fact you can get a lot more terrain on your table in this scale.  If you are or are wanting to craft you own buildings for the game, this means less material being used.  2" tall stories per building compared to the 3" tall buildings that 28mm models would need to look accurate.) is that the type of material they are made out of seems to be that plastic that super glue seems to not really bond with.  I have yet to cry some 5-Minute epoxy, though that is on the to do list.   If anyone knows of a bonding agent that works with this type of plastic then by all means feel free to leave a comment or send an E-Mail! 


I purchased my miniatures from the UkrScale Store on Ebay.  They sells a wide assortment of miniatures in different genres and different scale sizes.  Please show them some love and stop by their shop!!!


Note:  You don't have to purchase the miniatures from this store.  I am not affiliated with them.  There are other people selling the same model sets on Ebay.  I am only posting this Ebay Store because this is the one I went through and I had a great experience dealing with them.  Prompt shipping, excellent shipping package, no busted products, etc.


Survivor Miniatures

Redneck Miniatures

Stalkers Set #1 Miniatures

Stalkers Set #2

Zombie Miniatures Set #1

Zombie Miniatures Set #2

The other batch of minis that are compatible with this Scale of miniatures comes from the game Zombies!!! by  Twilight Creations.   They have many different supplements for their board game.  I have never played it before but the Zombies sculpts are cartoonish and fit right in with the zombies above.  Best of all??  They now offer the zombies in bags or as single items you can buy right from their online shop!!  I'm not going to list all the models they have, that is just too many!!

There are other miniatures out there you can get to so you have "bosses" to defeat like in the Resident Evil video game and movie franchises.   I am not going to post the links for those because they dont come in packages or from a store in a set.  The ones I got were from a seller that was selling a individual minis from the board game Cthulu Wars.  If you want some zombies like this for you game, just look for Zombie miniatures on Ebay and you will easily be able to find some ghoulish minis for dirt cheap,  just make sure they fit the look you are trying to achieve.  If they are for boss enemies then the standard 28mm scale minis will work better and be easier to source.


If you wanted to do a start of the Zombie Apocalypse campaign and need some regular civilians,  gaming in this scale is advantageous.  On ebay you can buy 100 Railroad miniatures for just over $10 (Canadian Prices).  You will just have to look around.  Again I wont post a link because theres just so many people selling these on there,  just make sure they are in the HO or 20mm scale so they blend in with these models better.

3D Miniatures

Here are some other ways to get some Zombie miniatures.  Again, you don't have to get them from these stores, I just posted them so you can get an idea of whats out there.  Plus, you will have another game to play if you get these!

The Walking Dead

There are currently 2  Walking Dead miniatures games.  1 is/was from Mantics games.  I dont know if they are still producing them but I did find some on the website.  If they are discontinued, you'll have to go to secondary markets like Ebay etc.  Once I track down the other game I will post that and the link.

Project Z

Warlord Games makes the game Project Z which you can get from their website. 


CMON games makes the most well known Zombie game, Zombicide.   There's so many different version of the game with different themes and different mini's you'll have a never ending game.  Below are two different ways to get your hands on these miniatures, even though theres more like Ebay,  these are just the ones off the top of my head.


If you are the kind of person where size doesnt matter then maybe smaller is better!  Afterall you can get more minis on the table and more terrain.  And if you are crafting your own terrain then it will take up even less materials so you can make more!!  Just google 15mm Zombie miniatures and you will find a plethora of them from all different online stores.  This is a really popular theme for this scale.  These are the first two sites that pop up for that search.

Paper Miniatures

One Monk Miniatures

Here you will find a plethera of paper miniatures to populate your game table with.  Some are free ( they are in the downloads section) and other I believe you have to pay for.  Just do some searching around the site and you will find what you need!

Heres a website I just stumbled upon that has a list of a bunch of Zombie miniatures for tabletop gaming that you can look into to play your game with.


If this is your first time playing a table top game and are interested in buying some miniatures but don't know what kinds of paints to get,  I have found a great starter set that includes all the colors you need to get you started! 

As well,  even though I am putting a link to their homepage,  you do not have to buy straight from them if you want this set.  I'm sure you can find a shop on the internet or a hobby shop close to you that can set you up with what you need.  I'm just posting this  as a reference to help!  


(Note**  Again, I am not affiliated with, nor have I even spoke with this company about posting a link to their product here.  I just simply saw they offer a paint set designed specifically for Zombie Apocalypse miniature painting)